Workshop Opportunities

The Marriage Rx material has been prepared for workshop presentation.  It has been designed for a couple’s retreat setting or for a church or group.  The format is comprised of four (4) sessions of ninety (90) minutes each.  They can be done in two days or more.  Each teaching segment is presented by Calvin and Julie Tadema, and is filled with real life examples to help make the points.  The question and answer time that follows is often entertaining and enlightening as well.

Session 1:  One Flesh
Session 2: Naked and Unashamed
Session 3: Forgiven, Forgiving and Trust
Session 4: Kinds of Relating

If you would like to discuss the possibilities and details of bringing this valuable teaching experience to your group, please contact Calvin Tadema at (360) 891-4490 or Julie Tadema at (360) 910-8854.